How to Deal with Kind Weight Loss Saboteurs
When you’re trying to lose weight, you expect the people around you to support you. The problem is that there are many saboteurs in your life. Some won’t think they’re doing any harm while others may do it intentionally. Who are your weight loss saboteurs? They may be closer than you think. They may be your parents, your friends, or even your spouse. I hate to say it but one of mine is my husband (and he’ll hate me for thinking this way at times!). He knows I’m trying to lose weight but will come home with Easter eggs, chocolate and bottles of fizzy pop, thinking he’s treating me. I hate saying no to him but sometimes it has to be done. But, how do you say no to these people, without hurting their feelings? Yes, you really can say no! I Just Need a Small Treat I’ve started accepting treats but opting for the smaller ones. Instead of a full cheesecake that I’ll have to cut up and work out the propoints for, I ask for just the small individual pieces. The...