Weekly Weight Loss Week 17
This week I lost another 1.5lbs. I was happy with that, considering I kept feeling like I was losing track of the week and wasn't eating enough! I've really found that I have to eat to lose weight - starving myself honestly doesn't help me (or you!) lose weight at all, let along healthily. What Did I Do This Week? The same as every other week. I kept track, even though I felt like I was always behind, and made sure I knew how much I ate and whether I was behind on propoints. I also made sure I got in plenty of Healthy and Filling foods; ones that keep you feeling fuller for longer. What Will I Do This Week? This week has been difficult so far. I was away for a wedding and struggled with keeping track of my points or planning to eat healthily. I've tried the best that I can but had to overestimate in places. It's not an excuse to not track but it has definitely made it difficult. We'll see on Tuesday as to how badly I've really done. At the moment, I...