Aspire Channel Swim

I know I said my next post was going to be about the Extra Easy Slimming World Plan but this has taken priority at the moment - and it fits well with the idea of losing weight and keeping it off.

Have you ever wanted to do something with your workout? Maybe set a challenge for yourself? I do that on a regular basis as a way to keep myself motivated, whether it is run or row a certain distance over a set time. One thing that I am doing this year is the Aspire Channel Swim.

The Aspire Charity

Aspire is a charity that helps people after they have suffered spinal injuries. It helps the thousands a year, who find they are in a wheelchair for the rest of their life, with simple tasks like eating, moving around and even helping with confidence and the motivation to get back to life.

Like all charities, it has to rely on the donations of others and something that has been set up is the Aspire Channel Swim.

The Channel Swim

This is an annual event that I am joining in with this year. The challenge is to swim 22 miles in 12 weeks. 22 miles will cover the length of the English Channel, which is a dream that many people (including me) have of swimming.

I have done the event in the past and covered the 22 miles in 8 weeks in a pool that I used to lifeguard in. This year my goal is to finish it in 4 weeks. It means I have to swim 1416 lengths in 4 weeks, which works out to be around 358 per week, give or take; I've managed 240 since starting on 27th September (I started a little late).

Why Not Give It a Go

Not only is Aspire a worthy cause, there are other benefits to swimming this challenge. The main one is your weight. You will be surprised by how much work you do while in the pool. Most of the time, you will not feel it because the sweat is being released into the water and also the water is holding your weight. But, your body does so much and you will work every muscle in your body!

It is a great way to lose weight, tone up and just generally feel great. But, if you don't fancy giving it a go, or are worried that it isn't possible for you, then I would really appreciate it if you would sponsor me for my efforts. You can do it by clicking here.

Good luck to everyone who does give it a go.


  1. I do that on a regular basis as a way to keep myself motivated, whether it is run or row a certain distance over a set time. One thing that I am doing this year is the Aspire Channel Swim.

  2. How did the Aspire Swim go for you? Mine was completed by the end of October so within my goal time :)


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