Finding Life Balance in Your Weight Loss Journey

While I had intentions to start my squat challenge last week, nothing happened. I set the time in the diary and then all my timings went to pot. I tried this three days in the row, and every day I kept finding myself behind. It got to the point that I was stressed and tired about missing everything that I'd set; that I wasn't even getting any needed breaks throughout the day. For those who don't know, I work from home. I'm a freelance writer and now I've become an editor on a variety of sites. While I completely love my job, it does take up a lot of my time. The more I sit at the desk, the more I realize just why I'm so overweight. But trying to find a life balance in my weight loss journey--or even add my weight loss journey into my life--isn't easy. I'm done beating myself up for not sticking to a plan. Quite honestly, my weight loss is the last thing on my mind at the moment. I really wish I was at least two dress sizes smaller. I want to be ...