Why I Love Not Having a Car Right Now

Ok, so this isn't going to last long but right now we don't have a car. We had to sell our old one when we moved country. We just haven't gotten round to going around dealerships and discussing financing with them. Practically, we need a car. Canada isn't set up to be pedestrian friendly. While the buses are great, they're expensive. It would be cheaper to buy a car and get insurance if both of us have to take the bus! It'll get even worse next year when Monkey is 5 and we need to pay for her. But there are so many benefits to not having a bus. Encouraging us to walk more is just one of those benefits. It's a lot harder now that I'm working again, but when we were looking for furniture, we were easily walking 10,000+ steps a day. One of the days we walked more than 20,000 steps! This is so great for weight loss, especially as we're trying to save time on grocery shops. We're eating a lot healthier and getting in more fitness. Once we do h...