4 Tips for Returning to the Gym After Having a Baby

Many new mothers feel the pressure of getting back in shape after having a baby. Much of this can be blamed on celebrities, and their ability to get back into their pre-baby bodies within weeks of giving birth. We know it’s unhealthy, but that doesn’t stop us wanting to get back into shape, right? Well, returning to the gym is a possibility. If you’re not a gym bunny, doing other forms of exercise are possible. I just want to make sure you do it safely for you and your newborn. Here are my four tips for returning to the gym after having a baby. Don’t Start Too Soon Listen to your body. Are you really ready to return to the gym right now? If you’ve had a c-section, it’s going to take longer to heal than if you had a pain-free natural delivery (they happen, apparently!). So, avoid starting too soon. Listen to what your body is telling you and be honest with yourself. I don’t recommend starting before your six week post-natal check, but if you’re anything like m...