Do You Worry When Eating Out on a Whim?

Don't let eating out on a whim get you down Are you worried about gaining weight when you’re eating out on a whim? You don’t need to at all! With the right tips and tools, you can make the right choices, enjoy yourself and see a loss at the scales. These are the tips I followed and still do to make sure there’s no weight gain after eating out. Use the App or Eat Out Guide If you’re on Weight Watchers, I highly recommend both of these. I’ve always preferred the app, but it doesn’t have absolutely everything. The Eat Out Guide is sometimes quicker and easier, so it’s worth having it in your bag or pocket. Pull it out when you decide where you’re eating and take a look at your best options. You can even use it to decide where you’re going to eat if you’re not too sure. Think About Your Food Choices If you’re not on Weight Watchers or don’t have the Eat Out Guide or App, think about the food choices. Many menus now have the calorie listings on them, but...