
Showing posts from November, 2012

Weekly Weight Loss Week 8

Week eight of my weight loss brought some surprising results. I lost 1/2lb. Why is that surprising? I honestly thought I was going to put on weight after the week I've had so just staying the same would have been good; losing just 1/2lb is excellent for me. However, it has put on a lot of pressure to lose 1.5 stone from where I started by Christmas. What Did I Do This Week? I have to admit that this week was a stressful one and I eat when I'm stressed. I attempted to keep my snacking to healthy options but there were times when only chocolate would do. However, I made sure that everything was tracked so I knew how badly I did. I kept the exercise up this week and got out more with my daughter. The Pedometre Plus is great to show me how much moving around I actually do - surprisingly much more than I thought, especially with the running up and down stairs. What I Will Do Next Week? Next week (well, more like this week now!) I will keep on tracking and not rely on co...

Weekly Weight Loss Week 7

I'm a little confused how I'm on week 7 when my Weight Watchers book says week 8 - I must have missed a week somewhere. If so, I'm sorry! I'll stay on track for now. This week I lost 2.5lbs!!! While the weight loss is great, I'm more excited at the fact that I've reached my second goal - losing 5% of my initial weight. I'm going to include a post on the benefits of losing 5% of your initial weight later this week. How Did I Do It? Instead of focusing on the benefits of losing the weight, let's talk about how I managed to get there. By the way, my total weight loss is 12lbs so far! I tracked everything that I ate - including the takeaways and the chocolate - and did more exercise. The Wii Fit has been pulled out and I do it as much as I can. It's not a lot (two or three times a week) but at least it is a start. I'm having fun with it too. My Zumba disk will be pulled out later today, providing that the wee one decides to take her naps whe...

Tips to Setting Goals for Weight Loss

Set sensible goals for weight loss. Image by Alan Cleaver When you start losing weight, you need to have goals to reach for. Weight loss goals will give you something to work towards to help you stay motivated, even when you feel like packing it in after a bad week. Here are some top tips on setting your goals for weight loss. Make Them Challenging Having goals that are too easy will not give you the push that you need. You have to have a challenge so that you feel the achievement once you have reached it. You don’t need to have a goal each week, this is probably excessive and will not be as challenging. It is worth setting goals for each month. Be Realistic It is easy to set a challenging goal that is simply not realistic or healthy. When setting goals, bear in mind that a healthy weight loss is between 1lb and 2lb per week. Setting the goal to lose 10lb in two weeks is unrealistic and not healthy. It will be difficult to reach that goal in the first place, and ...

Weekly Weight Loss Week 6

This week I couldn't attend my meeting. I went to visit the in-laws Tuesday afternoon and only returned home today. However, that doesn't mean that I didn't weigh myself. Using the scales on the Wii Fit, I lost... 4lbs... Something tells me that that isn't right. The scales on the Wii Balance Board must be out slightly but it does show that I possibly have lost weight this week. What Did I Do This Week? The same as I do every week - why change something that works? I always track everything and eat all my propoints. I did a little more exercise this week by getting out and about. Batteries are in the Wii Balance Board now so I can start doing stuff but I haven't really had the chance - the little one keeps me on my feet! What Will I Do This Week? We still had "pig-out night" on Tuesday. In fact, the in-laws looked after our daughter for the night so we were able to enjoy a meal out without her. We lasted all of two hours. It really is amazing ...