Weight Loss Week 1
I lost 4lbs this week at Weight Watchers. This was amazing to see on the scales since I knew that I had a bad week (already!) due to my brother-in-law’s 21 st birthday meal (Mexican and then chocolate cake afterwards). The good news is that you can lose weight even with a life and being able to enjoy these meals. Tips to Have that Weight Loss When you know that you have an event coming up, it is worth planning ahead. On Weight Watchers, I know that I have 32 propoints per day and 49 weekly propoints. Because I knew that we had a birthday meal at the end of my Weight Watchers week, I made sure that I had saved enough of my weekly points to use – although I still dipped into my points if I needed to throughout the week for small things. Planning ahead meant that I didn’t go over my propoints. I also made sure that I tracked everything that I ate. I have the Weight Watchers app on my iPhone, which makes it easier for me, but all you need is a notebook to track anything t...