The Slimming World Diet
I recently tried the Slimming World diet but decided that it wasn't for me. That doesn't mean that it won't work for you - just remember that not all diets work for everyone. Here's why it didn't work for me. First of all, when the group leader asked me whether I'd tried Slimming World before, I openly said "no, I've always tried Weight Watchers." I got the response of "well, that doesn't help you keep the weight off afterwards anyway." From a woman who said that she'd always been on Slimming World and had never tried anything else, I've got to question where she got that idea from. It wasn't because Weight Watchers wasn't working for me; I wanted to try something different. I know lots of people who have lost weight on WW and kept it off by coming back to classes every now and then. That instantly turned me off from the group. The second was looking through the plans. There are three different plans that you can f...